During the year 2022, in Northern Ireland, was carried out the project of cultural exchange known as "The 3Rs of Peace", in collaboration with the organization BEAM Creative Network. This project had as its fundamental objective to promote peace and harmony between young people belonging to the communities, catholic and protestant in Northern Ireland, through artistic expression.
To achieve this goal, we created spaces for dialogue in which the music, the dance and the construction of instruments from recycled materials played a key role. These activities are designed strategically to allow the participants to reconsider their perspectives, transcending the divisions invisible and reduce the phenomena of exclusion. The reconstruction of relationships through recreational activities and music, along with the reconciliation mediated by the music, the art, and the reflection, were fundamental pillars in this process.
This approach not only provided participants with a platform to reflect on critical issues such as diversity, coexistence, conflict and peace, but it also laid the groundwork for the creation of spaces of encounter and dialogue. These spaces are essential to working together in building a more peaceful future and united in the region.
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